Large High Quality Plasmid DNA Kit in Nominal Cost

The Jackson Laboratory
Cancer biology
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Product Name:

Pure Yield Plasmid Midi Prep

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Our lab regularly uses promega midi prep kit for large scale plasmid isolation from 100-200ml bacterial culture for transfection. We observed the quality of plamid DNA good enough for transfection. We usually get 100-300ug plasmid depends on the culture density.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Plasmid DNA for transfection grade

Starting Material

Bacterial culture

Protocol Overview

Bacterial culture (100-150ml) grown overnight was pelleted down and resuspended in 3ml of resuspension buffer completely. Then resuspended cells were added with 3ml of cell lysis buffer and mixed gently a few times. The cells suspension transition to transparent (not more 3 min) add 5ml of Neutralization buffer and mixed gently 10 times to completely neutralize lysis buffer. We followed the manual protocol as recommended by Promega.


Allow lysis step for a maximum of 3 min and mix very gently

Results Summary

We observe high quality transfection grade plasmid in large volume.

Additional Notes


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The Good

High yield with low cost per preparation

The Bad


The Bottom Line

Useful for large production for transfection grade plasmid in shorter time.

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