Streptavidin Cy5 for biotinylated aptamers

University of Ottawa
PhD student


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Affymetrix eBioscience

Product Name:

Streptavidin Cyanine5

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Our laboratory selects aptamers for various cell receptors. To test the specificity of aptamer binding to white blood cells or transfected HEK-293 or MDA-MB-231, we use receptor specific antibodies. Aptamers can be labeled with fluorescent dyes or biotinylated. To detect biotinylated aptamers, conjugated streptavidin is used. All cells are stained with propidium iodide or DRAQ7 to distinguish between live/dead cells. Streptavidin Cy5 was used to detect biotinylated anti-FZD7 aptamers on FZD7-transfected HEK 293 cells.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Detection of biotinylated anti-FZD7 aptamers on FZD7-transfected HEK 293 cells.

Starting Material


Protocol Overview

1 ul of Streptavidin Cyanine5 was incubated with biotinylated anti-FZD7 aptamers for 15 min and added to 100 ul of sample (300000 cells in DPBS buffer with Ca and Mg), incubated 90 min with cells.


Adjust the amount of Streptavidin Cyanine5 added to aptamers for optimum detection.

Results Summary

Positive FZD7 cells gave higher signal compare to non-transfected cells.

Additional Notes


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The Good

Cheaper than Cy5-labeled aptamers

The Bad

Can affect binding of aptamers to their targets

The Bottom Line

In our experiments, Streptavidin Cyanine5 with biotinylated anti-FZD7 aptamers worked well to detect transfected cells.

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