Portable Pipet-Aid

National Dairy Research Institute
Animal Biochemistry




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Drummond Scientific Company, USA

Product Name:

Portable Pipet- Aid® XP

Catalog Number:


Pipet-aid was used for the transfer of sterile MRS media in test tubes for the culturing of lactic acid bacteria in laminar flow.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Sterile transfer of MRS media in test tubes.

Starting Material

MRS media and lactic acid bacteria for culturing.

Protocol Overview

The sterile MRS media is transferred into the test tubes with the help of pipet-aid with a disposable pipete attached. The loopful of lactic acid bacteria is transferred into a test tubes and placed in an incubator for overnight.



Results Summary

Lactic acid bacteria was grown without contamination.

Features Summary

It is very light weight, it can handle pipets in the range of 1 to 100 ml, temperature range of sample is 10 to 35 °C, Maximum humidity 60%, Speed control buttons are available for fast, medium and slow, has an 8.4V nickel-metal hydride rechargeable battery, available with tissue culture nosepiece which avoids contamination.

Additional Notes

Avoid handling of pipet-aid with wet hands.

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The Good

User friendly and speed can be regulated as per requirement.

The Bad

Pipetting of strong acids and bases may damage the Pipete-aid unit

The Bottom Line

Handy pipete-aid.

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