The DeNovix DS-11 Spectrophotometer

Bekas, LLC




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DeNovix Inc.

Product Name:

The DeNovix DS-11 Spectrophotometer

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Our group does a lot of cloning using restriction enzymes. Typically, we have small volumes of the materials along with low quantities after purification of the digested vector and insert by agarose electrophoresis. However, it is important to know the concentration of insert and vector DNA for successful ligation of a DNA insert into a cloning or expression vector because both the absolute DNA concentration and the ratio between vector and insert DNA affect the efficiency of the ligation reaction. The DeNovix DS-11 is a compact spectrophotometer that ensures precise nucleic acid measurements for samples as little as 0.5 µL. The instrument offers very simple and fast operation: pipet a drop of sample, measure (just 4 seconds per measurement) and wipe off, which is especially handy when you are dealing with multiple samples.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


DNA concentration measurements for cloning

Starting Material

PCR products and plasmid DNA fragments

Protocol Overview

PCR product for gene of interest and an expression vector plasmid are digested with restriction enzymes and DNA fragments are separated on agarose gel electrophoresis. The insert and vector DNAs are purified with a miniprep kit. The DeNovix DS-11+ is then used to determine the concentration of each of DNA fragments. The instrument is ready to use almost as soon as it is switched on thanks to a long-life xenon flash lamp. Upon start, the spec's sample measurement surface should be cleaned with dH2O or ultrapure water (Milli-Q type) and dried using a lab wipe. The instrument is then blanked using water or buffer in which DNA is stored. The on board software offers easy to use protocol for DNA quantification with purity measurements (A260/280 and 260/230 ratios) and is operated by touchscreen.


We recommend to use 1 µL samples rather than 0.5 µL. Avoid bubbles.

Results Summary

The DeNovix DS-11+ provides a fast and accurate DNA concentration measurements in exceptionally wide dynamic range. It works well with a highly concentrated DNAs like plasmid midipreps (no dilution needed). We verified the accuracy of measurements with the Beckman DU-640 Spectrophotometer using samples of known concentrations as standards and observed a very good consistency with the data.

Features Summary

DeNovix is an ideal instrument for measuring both low and high quantities of nucleic acids in samples. Easy to navigate and use software. The instrument's Wi-Fi, USB, and Ethernet connectivity allows to easily export data.

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The Good

Very easy to use instrument for routine lab work including DNA, RNA, protein and cell density measurements.

The Bad

It would be nice to have separate channels to measure multiple samples simultaneously.

The Bottom Line

It's a very reliable instrument that is great for measuring small sample volumes of nucleic acids and proteins across a wide range of concentrations with a variety of different methods. One of the best valued spectrophotometers on the market.

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