Western blot remains one of the most popular immunoassay techniques for its capacity to provide researchers with a quick, visual representation of their sample. Yet, it can also be one of the more difficult methods to troubleshoot, and a protocol adaptation that improves chemiluminescent western blot data may not be similarly applicable to fluorescent detection. This article lists some common western blot problems and suggests ways of addressing them to achieve more reproducible results.

Consequences of a poor western blot image

According to Kenneth Oh, Ph.D., Global Senior Product Manager, Applications and Collaborations Protein Quantitation and Imaging Business Unit at Bio-Rad Laboratories, western blot problems fall into several categories. These include low target protein band intensity, high background, and the presence of multiple bands and/or indiscreet band patterns. Smeared lanes and saturated bands are other frequent complaints. “Such issues can lead to the protein band of interest being incorrectly identified or quantified, translating to inaccurate interpretation of results,” he says. “Additionally, a poor western blot image can mean the expense of having to repeat an experiment or can cause researchers to give up on a set of conditions or reagents that seemingly failed but could have been successful with optimization.”

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Reproducibility is critical

“A western blot image is far more than just a pretty picture unless a simple yes/no answer is needed,” reports Kristi Ambroz, Senior Director of Science and Global Support, Biotechnology, at LI-COR Biosciences. “Researchers undertaking these types of experiments typically want to quantify their data, making it essential to apply strategies for increasing reproducibility. A tried and trusted approach is to perform direct detection using fluorescence instead of chemiluminescence, which eliminates the need for a highly variable enzymatic reaction. Also, optimizing the amount of protein loaded—whether that be the target of interest or a protein used for normalization—is crucial to ensure the amount of protein detected is proportional to the signal on the blot.” Other methods for improving reproducibility focus on using an appropriate imaging system and data analysis software and are included in the table below.

Tips for success

While troubleshooting strategies will vary depending on whether a western blot employs chemiluminescent or fluorescent detection, there is considerable overlap between the two methods. The following table comprises some common western blot complaints and potential fixes, with any application-specific issues being noted in parentheses.

No signal or weak signal

Possible causeSuggested solution
Samples contain only low concentrations of the target protein

Confirm that an appropriate sample type was used by referring to sites such as UniProt, PAXdb, or proteinatlas.org, and to antibody manufacturers’ datasheets, for information about protein expression

Determine the appropriate amount of sample to load by conducting a linear range experiment

Enrich the target protein through immunoprecipitation, protein precipitation, or sub-cellular fractionation

Sample has degraded

Prepare fresh samples

Include protease inhibitors in the lysis buffer, and phosphatase inhibitors if performing phosphoprotein detection

Keep samples on ice prior to adding loading buffer

Avoid freeze-thaw cycles

Wrong choice of lysis buffer

Match the lysis buffer to the target; whole cell lysates can often be prepared using a buffer containing NP-40, while extracting cytoplasmic or nuclear proteins may require using Triton X-100 or RIPA buffer, respectively

Poor protein transfer

Check the transfer was performed in the right direction

Pre-wet nitrocellulose membranes in PBS or TBS, and PVDF / LF-PVDF membranes in 100% methanol, followed by PBS or TBS, prior to transfer

Confirm successful protein transfer by Ponceau staining the membrane or acquiring a Stain-Free image if using Stain-Free gels and a Stain-Free enabled imager

Use a total protein stain such as REVERT™ Total Protein Stain to check for even transfer across the membrane

For low molecular weight proteins, increase the methanol concentration in the transfer buffer to 30–40%, reduce the transfer time and voltage, and use a membrane with a smaller pore size (0.2 μm instead of 0.45 μm)

For larger proteins (>140 kDa), reduce the methanol concentration in the transfer buffer to 10%, consider adding 0.05% SDS to the transfer buffer, and increase the transfer time

Protein is dissociating from membrane

After transfer, rinse the blot in buffer (with no Tween® 20) and dry completely before moving to blocking

Membrane is over blocked

Avoid blocking for longer than 1 hour

Perform blocking at room temperature (not in a 37oC incubator)

Primary antibodies show poor affinity for the target

Check whether the antibody recognizes native or denatured protein

Run a positive control sample, such as a lysate known to endogenously express the target protein, an over-expression lysate, or a recombinant protein to verify antibody performance

Check that primary antibodies are validated for the chosen species

Confirm that primary antibodies are validated for western blot

Switch to using alternative primary antibodies

Try using a different blocking buffer or optimizing blocking conditions

Antibody concentrations are too low

Titrate primary and secondary antibodies to determine optimal concentrations (consider using tools such as the Mini-PROTEAN II Multiscreen Apparatus)

Use fresh antibodies for each experiment (do not re-use antibodies)

Increase the duration of the primary antibody incubation step

Volume of antibody solution is inadequate

Increase the antibody volume to ensure the entire membrane surface is covered with liquid and will not dry out

Gently agitate the membrane during antibody incubation steps

Antibodies have gone bad

Check the expiry dates of antibody reagents

Confirm antibodies have been stored correctly

Avoid reusing antibodies

Avoid freeze-thaw cycles

Primary and secondary antibodies are incompatible

Confirm that the correct secondary antibody was used (e.g., if the primary antibody was raised in rabbit, an anti-rabbit secondary is required for detection)

Image exposure time was too short (chemiluminescent detection)

Increase the exposure time

Consider using an imaging system that provides automated exposure or measures photon rate such as the Odyssey® XF, Odyssey® M, or the ChemiDoc™ family of imagers

Detection reagents have gone bad

Always store fluorophore-conjugated antibodies away from light

Check the expiry date of chemiluminescent detection substrates

Use fresh detection reagents/substrates for every experiment

Avoid freeze-thaw cycles

Detection substrate is not sensitive enough (chemiluminescent detection)

Switch to using a more sensitive detection substrate, such as Clarity Max

Azide is inhibiting HRP activity (chemiluminescent detection)

Ensure buffers do not contain azide

Fluorophores are incompatible with the imaging system or the wrong filter settings have been selected (fluorescent detection)

Confirm that fluorophores are compatible with the imaging system and that the imaging system is set to read the correct wavelengths


Multiple bands/wrong size bands

Possible causeSuggested solution
Target protein abundance falls below the limit of non-specific binding

Confirm that an appropriate sample type was used by referring to sites such as UniProt, PAXdb, or proteinatlas.org, and to antibody manufacturers’ datasheets, for information about protein expression

Determine the appropriate amount of sample to load by conducting a linear range experiment

Enrich the target protein through immunoprecipitation, protein precipitation or sub-cellular fractionation

Try using a different blocking buffer or optimizing blocking conditions

Sample has degraded

Prepare fresh samples

Include protease inhibitors in the lysis buffer, and phosphatase inhibitors if performing phosphoprotein detection

Keep samples on ice prior to adding loading buffer

Avoid freeze-thaw cycles

Target protein is expressed as multiple isoforms

Refer to sites such as UniProt for information about protein isoforms

Check whether isoform-specific primary antibodies are available

Predicted molecular weight is affected by post-translational modifications

Refer to sites such as UniProt for information about PTMs such as phosphorylation, glycosylation, and cleavage

Primary antibodies are binding non-specifically

Switch to using different primary antibodies

Try using a different blocking buffer or optimizing blocking conditions

Perform a blocking peptide experiment to distinguish between specific and non-specific bands

Secondary antibodies are cross-reacting in a two-color Western blot (fluorescent detection)

Test the two secondary antibodies separately before combining them to understand the expected staining pattern for each

Use secondary antibodies from the same host species to avoid potential cross-reactivity

Avoid using mouse and rat primary antibodies together, or sheep and goat primary antibodies

Use cross-adsorbed secondary antibodies, such as IRDye secondary antibodies

Reduce the concentration of secondary antibodies

Signal bleed-through during two-color western blotting (fluorescent detection)

Check fluorophore properties to avoid spectral overlap

Confirm that fluorophores are compatible with each other and the chosen imaging system

Use an imager with LED-based detection, such as the ChemiDoc MP™, or laser-based detection such as the Odyssey® family of instruments


Uniformly distributed high background

Possible causeSuggested solution
Inadequate blocking

Try using a different blocking buffer or optimizing blocking conditions

Consider using a rapid blocking buffer such as EveryBlot Blocking Buffer

Consider using a non-mammalian protein-based blocking buffer such as Intercept® Blocking Buffer or Intercept® Protein Free Blocking Buffer

Include the blocking agent in antibody diluents

Avoid detergents (Tween® 20) in the blocking agent

Antibody concentrations are too high

Titrate primary and secondary antibodies to determine optimal concentrations (consider using tools such as the Mini-PROTEAN II Multiscreen Apparatus)

Reduce the duration of the primary antibody incubation step

Include up to 0.2% Tween® 20 in the primary antibody diluent

Secondary antibodies are binding non-specifically

Avoid using milk for blocking, especially when working with anti-goat secondary antibodies

Consider using a rapid blocking buffer such as EveryBlot Blocking Buffer

Consider using a non-mammalian protein-based blocking buffer such as Intercept® Blocking Buffer or Intercept® Protein Free Blocking Buffer

Include up to 0.2% Tween® 20 in the secondary antibody diluent

If using a PVDF membrane and fluorescent detection, include 0.01% SDS in the secondary antibody diluent

Run secondary antibody-only controls

Insufficient washing

Increase the number, volume, and/or duration of wash steps

Include up to 0.2% Tween® 20 in antibody diluents and wash buffers

Blot has been allowed to dry out

Ensure the blot is covered in buffer at all times

PVDF membrane is generating autofluorescence (fluorescent detection)

Switch to using a nitrocellulose membrane

Consider using a low-fluorescence PVDF membrane such as Trans-Blot Turbo RTA LF-PVDF or Immobilon®

Image exposure time was too long (chemiluminescent detection)

Decrease the exposure time

Consider using an imaging system that provides automated exposure or measures photon rate such the Odyssey® XF, Odyssey® M, or the ChemiDoc™ family of imagers

Incorrect choice of detection substrate (chemiluminescence)

Try using a detection substrate with a different sensitivity


Uneven/blotchy/speckled background

Possible causeSuggested solution
Membrane has been handled inappropriately

Always wear gloves when handling the membrane

Avoid scratching the membranes with forceps

Contamination is present

Ensure blotting apparatus is thoroughly washed and dried after use—clean transfer pads and transfer boxes by soaking in 100% methanol for 10 minutes and use 100% methanol to clean any trays used for incubations

Prepare fresh buffers for every assay or store buffers short-term at 4oC if appropriate

Air bubbles have prevented transfer

Use a roller to gently remove any air bubbles from between the gel and the membrane when setting up the transfer

Blocking buffer has formed clumps

Filter the blocking buffer before use

Switch to using a different blocking buffer

Multiple membranes have been incubated together in a low volume of blocking buffer/antibody solution

Incubate each membrane in a separate tray

If incubating membranes together is unavoidable, ensure sufficient volumes are used for all membranes to move freely

Scanning surface was dirty (fluorescent detection)

Clean the scanning surface with an alcohol-based cleaner before imaging

Presence of acrylamide residue on the membrane

After transfer, rinse blot in buffer

Sample loading buffer autofluorescence (fluorescent)

Allow the dye front to migrate completely through the gel

Switch to using a loading buffer that does not contain blue dye


White bands (chemiluminescent detection)

Possible causeSuggested solution
Samples are over-loaded (leading to substrate depletion)

Load less sample

Antibody concentrations are too high (leading to substrate depletion)

Titrate primary and secondary antibodies to determine optimal concentrations (consider using tools such as the Mini-PROTEAN II Multiscreen Apparatus)

Reduce the duration of antibody incubation steps

Blot is over-exposed

Decrease the exposure time

Consider using an imaging system that provides automated exposure or measures photon rate such the Odyssey® XF, Odyssey® M, or the ChemiDoc™ family of imagers


‘Smiling’ bands

Possible causeSuggested solution
Gel was run too fast

Reduce the voltage

Gel was over-heated

Reduce the voltage

Run the gel in a cold (4oC) room

Gel has expired

Check the expiration date of precast gels


Smeared lanes

Possible causeSuggested solution
Samples are over-loaded

Load less sample

Proteins are not fully solubilized

Switch to using a different lysis buffer

Try sonicating samples or heating for longer

Centrifuge samples prepared in running buffer before loading onto the gel

Sample has degraded

Prepare fresh samples

Include protease inhibitors in the lysis buffer, and phosphatase inhibitors if performing phosphoprotein detection

Keep samples on ice prior to adding loading buffer

Avoid freeze-thaw cycles

DNA is causing protein aggregation

Include DNase in the lysis buffer

Poor contact between gel and membrane during transfer

Use thicker filter paper and/or more sponges in the sandwich


Quantitative data is inconsistent

Possible causeSuggested solution
Indirect chemiluminescent detection has introduced experimental variability

Be consistent with incubation temperatures and timings

Confirm you are operating within the linear dynamic range

Switch to using direct fluorescent detection

Combined linear range validation was not performed

Optimize the amount of sample loaded to ensure all targets and normalization proteins are detected in a manner proportional to the signal on the western blot

Proteins used for normalization have been altered by sample treatment

Check that sample treatments do not impact the expression of proteins used for normalization

Ensure a consistent method is used for sample preparation

Perform Total Protein Normalization as an alternative to housekeeping protein normalization

Too few replicates were run

Increase the number of replicates for more statistically relevant results

Digital image was inadvertently manipulated prior to analysis

Always perform data analysis using an unaltered digital image

Consider using data analysis software designed to minimize operator errors (e.g., Empiria Studio™)