Thermomixer for DNA Digestion

University of California, Merced
Molecular and Cell Biology
Graduate Student




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Product Name:

Eppendorf ThermoMixer® F Series from Eppendorf

Catalog Number:


We use our thermomixer multiple times a week for prolonged periods to digest tissue and isolate mouse DNA in order to validate and verify animal genotypes. This product has preformed consistently with little optimization required. In addition to DNA isolation, the thermomixer has proved to be useful a dry bath for a number of different protocols.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


DNA Digestion and Isolation

Starting Material

Murine Tail clips

Protocol Overview

Incubate tail clips with 480 ul of tail digestion buffer and 20 ul of proteinase K for 1 hour at 55 degrees Celsius and 850 rpm. Then proceed to DNA isolation, which includes two 30 minute incubation steps at 60 degrees Celsius.


Keep the box for this product in case you ever need serving or you may be charged an extravegant shipping fee.

Results Summary

This product is extremely easy to use. The instructions are clear and simple. We have never had any particular issues with this thermomixer functionality but after a year of continuous use (just after our warranty expired) our mixer started making extra noise when running and needed to be serviced. Although it worked efficiently and without altering any sample data before it was sent for servicing.

Features Summary

This system has a very fast heat up feature.



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The Good

Fast heat up feature and general product versatility

The Bad


The Bottom Line

Like with many products, if you keep it serviced it works as described. Whatever you need it to do it will do within its programming range.

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