Spinning Disk Confocal Microscopes

Confocal microscopy is a fluorescence-imaging technique that produces exquisitely sharp optical sections through biological specimens. Spinning disk confocal microscopy technology, also known as multipoint (or array) scanners, is based on a light passing through pinholes on a spinning disk microscope to produce multiple excitation beams that are swept across the specimen as the disk spins. In biomedical research, this is one of the optimum solutions for both routine and high-performance live-cell imaging applications. When it comes to purchasing a confocal system, the application is key, make sure you get the features needed—or a system that can accommodate those features moving forward.  Investigate ease of use, upgradability and maintenance contracts.  These systems can be complex and expensive, so consider the ease of training users, the ability to adapt the system to future needs, and the expense to maintain and repair the system.

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