Heathrow Scientific Vortex Mixer by Daigger Scientific

University of Zulia
Graduate Student




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Daigger Scientific®

Product Name:

Heathrow Scientific Vortex Mixer

Catalog Number:


Info: Supplier Page 

Since I have the Heathrow Scientific® vortex mixer, I have more comfort when homogenizing laboratory samples, because its head allows me to run mixtures of different types of test tubes ranging from 0.2, 0.5, 1.5 / 2, 5, 15, up to 50 mL, varying preset speeds between 1000, 2000 up to 3000 rpm with a 3.7 mm orbit. It has a slider control with 3 different modes: Intermittent mode (above); Off mode (medium) and continuous mode (down). Furthermore, I can carry out manual mixing by pressing the central pad, obtaining a fast, safe and effective work.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Stirrer and Sample Mixer


If you want to clean the device, you can easily remove the head for more comfort.

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The Good

It is not necessary to be changing the head or put different accessories since the main one can accommodate different sizes of tubes according to your needs.

The Bad


The Bottom Line

I recommend this device because it provides no complications. With its versatility you will no longer feel the need to look for other devices since you have an assured effective execution.

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