SuperScript™ III First-Strand Synthesis System From Invitrogen

SuperScript™ III First-Strand Synthesis System From Invitrogen
This kit is used for the reverse transcription (RT) of total or poly(A) RNA to first-strand cDNA using random hexamers, oligo-dT, or gene-specific primers. The cDNA generated can be used directly, without further purification, in many applications, such as PCR, real-time qPCR, arraying, and Northern blotting. The kit includes everything needed to make cDNA except your template RNA (1 pg to 5 ug of total RNA input is needed). The entire RT reaction can be performed in a PCR tube on a thermocycler in about 1.5 hours. The SuperScript III enzyme used with this kit is a version of MMLV reverse transcriptase that has reduced RNaseH activity, a longer half-life (220 minutes) and is more thermostable, resulting in increased specificity and higher yields. The first-strand cDNA obtained in the synthesis reaction may be used directly to amplify target cDNA by PCR or stored at -20ºC. I use this kit routinely to synthesize cDNA from 100 ng-1 ug of rat heart total RNA; I then use the cDNA as template in real-time qPCR. Even if I don’t plan to use the cDNA right away, I will often convert my RNA to cDNA with this kit since cDNA is more stable than RNA. I then store the cDNA at -20ºC. In most of my experiments, I extract total RNA from rat hearts using Trizol, column-purify and DNase-treat the RNA, then convert it to cDNA using the random primers included with this kit (because I use 18S, which has no poly-A tail, as an endogenous control for relative quantification). I usually obtain at least 20 ug of cDNA no matter how much input total RNA I use. Following reverse transcription, I use 1-3 ug of the resulting cDNA template for use in real-time qPCR on an ABI 7000.
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SuperScript™ III First-Strand Synthesis System From Invitrogen
The Good

Achieve consistent results and get high-quality cDNA from very small amounts of total RNA for many downstream applications. The kit also gives high yields of cDNA so you are able to archive your total RNA in a more stable form, cDNA.

The Bad

The procedure has many steps and components (8), so extra care needs to be taken so not to leave anything out.

The Bottom Line

This is an excellent kit for routine cDNA synthesis and archiving, and will work consistently well if all steps are followed precisely.