Matrigel for Tube Formation Assay

Univesity of Texas Health Science Center
Translational & Vascular Biology
Assistant Professor


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Corning Incorporated

Product Name:

Matrigel Growth Factor Reduced (GFR) Basement Membrane Matrix

Catalog Number:


Growth factor reduced basement membrane matrix (Matrigel) provide excellent matrix support to study endothelial cell tube formation under different conditions. It is an easy way to study angiogenic activity of any agents. We have used this product to test effect of hypoxia and FGF2, VEGF and eicosanoids on angiogenesis using retinal microvascular endothelial cells.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Endothelial cell tube formation assay

Starting Material

Growth factor reduced basement membrane matrix (Matrigel), microvascular endothelial cells and agents to be tested

Protocol Overview

1. Thaw Matrigel by incubating at 4C at least 6 hours to overnight.2. Precool all the tips and plates used in the assay.3. Transfer 300-400 uL liquified Matrigel to each well of 24 well plate.4. Incubate the plate at 37C for 20-30 min to solidify the Matrigel.5. Seed 25,000 to 30,000 cells to each well in 250 uL medium along with test substance or incubate the plate in test conditions (like hypoxia).6. Tube forms in 3-6 hr period depending on the cells and seeding density.


Careful trypsinization and appropriate neutralization is essential to get good quality of tubes. Observe tubes periodically with minimal disturbance.

Results Summary

Matrigel from Corning provide excellent support for endothelial cells to form tubes. Tubes remain intact up to 4 hours and then disintegrate.



Additional Notes

Do not refreeze Matrigel more than twice.

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The Good

Dependable results in every experiment.

The Bad

Repeated freeze and thaw or prolonged storage will polymerize (solidify) the Matrigel rendering unusable.

The Bottom Line

Dependable and simple reagent to study tube formation.

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