A Solution for Accurate DNA Sizing

Osmania University
Department of Biochemistry
Research Fellow


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Agilent Genomics

Product Name:

High sensitivity DNA chip

Catalog Number:


Accurate identification of the DNA size is required during a sensitive experiments like PCR, microarray, and NGS. Agilent high sensitive DNA kit can be very helpful in identifying the DNA fragment size. Eletrophrogram can show the abundance of any fragments and concentration of each fragment in an accurate values which can be very useful in analysis.

Experimental Design and Results Summary



Starting Material


Protocol Overview

The kit can be used as per the manufacturers instruction. Briefly 1 microliter of the diluted DNA is loaded in to each well with a marker and a ladder is loaded on to the respective well and analysed using bioanalizer 2100 machine


Avoid air bubbles in the well during loading and pipetting must be very accurate

Results Summary

An eletrophrogram showing the abundance of each fragment is displayed with its concentration of all 11 samples

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The Good

The concentration and sizing of the DNA fragments can be done with high accuracy

The Bad


The Bottom Line

Just go for this kit when DNA sizing is important for your experiment

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