Plasmid DNA Extraction from Gram Negative Bacteria

University of Birmingham
School of Biosciences
Postdoctoral Research Fellow


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Product Name:

QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit

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I have extracted plasmid DNA from E. coli cultures using QIAprep Spin Miniprep kit and got good quality plasmid DNA with yield of 9 microgram total per 3 ml overnight culture.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Plasmid DNA extraction for cloning in bacteria

Starting Material

E. coli overnight culture grown in LB broth (3ml)

Protocol Overview

E. coli culture grown overnight in LB broth was spun at 10000 rpm for 3 min and the pellet was used further for plasmid DNA extraction using the kit's instructions. The protocol was very easy to perform with all the lysis, neutrlisation , wash and elution buffer provided in the kit. Finally, eluted in 30 microliter of nuclese free water instead of 50 microliter.


If you are extracting a low copy plasmid, then use 6 ml culture and double the volume of lysis and neutralisation buffer during extraction protocol. Elute in nuclease free water pre heated at 55 degrees C.

Results Summary

Got quality plasmid DNA. My plasmid was medium copy number and got a yield of 150 ng/microliter with 260:280 ratio of 1.84 and 260:230 ratio of 1.91.

Additional Notes


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The Good

Very good commercial kit and easy to perform protocol. In 2 hrs of total work time with the kit, you will get your plasmid DNA.

The Bad


The Bottom Line

Ideal kit for quick plasmid DNA extraction.

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