Bacterial DNA Library Preparation for Next Generation Sequencing Using Miseq Platform

University of Birmingham
School of Biosciences
Postdoctoral Research Fellow


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New England Biolabs Inc

Product Name:

NEBNext Ultra DNA library prep kit for Illumina

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One microgram of sheared genomic Bacterial DNA was used for preparing sequencing libraries in Illumina Miseq platform using NEBNext Ultra DNA library prep kit. Prepared libraries have had index and illumina sequencing parts and were size selected for 200 bp which was confirmed upon agilent bioanalyzer analysis. Got 24 ng/microliter libraries at end of reactions which were sufficient to proceed further for sequencing reactions.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Next generation DNA sequencing using Illumina Miseq

Starting Material

Bacterial genomic DNA

Protocol Overview

One microgram genomic DNA was sheared, end prepped, adaptor ligated using NEBNext ultra DNA library prep kit. Then it was size selected for 200 bp using Agent court AMPure XP beads as indicated in manufacturer's protocol. Adapter ligated DNA fragments (15 microliter) were PCR amplified in 12 cycles using index primer and Universal PCR primer in a total 50 microliter reaction following protocol instructions. Finally PCR products were quantified using qubit ds DNA HS assay kit and analyzed in Agilent bionalyzer.


None. Follow standard instructions from protocols manual.

Results Summary

Using this kit, got consistent 200 bp adaptor ligated libraries with indexes and sequencing parts compatible for Illumina Miseq sequencing.

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The Good

Easy to use protocol. Less hands on time.

The Bad


The Bottom Line

Highly recommend for one who wants to prepare bacterial DNA libraries next generation sequencing in Illumina platform

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