Oil Red O Stain Kit

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American MasterTech

Product Name:

Oil Red O Stain Kit

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I do work with liver pathology and have a strong background and experience in innovative liver tumor models, molecular biology techniques such as cloning, mutagenesis and gene expression along with cell and tissue culture. We used this product to check liver lipogenesis condition.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Lipogenesis or fatty liver

Starting Material

1. Propylene glycol (kit included) 2. Oil red o stain (kit included) 3. Modified Mayer’s Hematoxylin (kit included) 4. 10% Formalin 5 85% Propylene glycol 5. Frozen section tissue

Protocol Overview

Just following the protocol that we used in many experiment s1 Place frozen sections at RT 30min. 2 Preheat Oil Red O Stain to 60°C. 3. Place frozen sections in 10% Formalin for 2-5 minutes then rinse slide in tap water (fixed slide may skip this step) 4. Circle the tissue by Dako Pen. 5. Place slide in Propylene glycol for 2 minutes. 6. Place slide in Oil Red O Stain heated to 60°C for 6 minutes. 7. Differentiate tissue in 85% propylene glycol solution for 1 minute. 8. Rinse slide through 2 changes of distilled water 9. Place slide in Modified Mayer’s Hematoxylin for 1 minute 10. Rinse slide through 2 changes of tap water 11. Rinse slide through 2 changes of distilled water 12. Coverslip using an aqueous mounting medium


Pay attention to last step of the operation, it's aqueous mounting medium, if people use the clear mounting medium for IHC, there is no red staining

Results Summary

Fat cells and neutral fat: REDNuclei: BLUE

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It is necessary to warm the oil red o to 60 degree before the staining, and keep it on the slide in 60 degree.

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