BD CompBeads Anti-Rat and Anti-Hamster

University of Montana
Graduate Student


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BD Biosciences

Product Name:

BD CompBeads Anti-Rat and Anti-Hamster

Catalog Number:


We were assessing Aryl hydrocarbon receptor activation in bone marrow derived dendritic cells. Precursor cells were isolated with Lympholyte M from whole bone marrow suspensions and grown in the presence of GM-CSF for 5-7 days. We then used flow cytometry and RT-PCR to assess changes in dendritic cells after AhR activation.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Flow Cytometry

Starting Material

Compensation beads, and fluorochrome conjugated antibody

Protocol Overview

Add 1 drop of BD CompBeads anti-rat/anti-hamster to FACS tube, and add 1ul of Fluorochrome conjugated antibody. Incubate for 5 minutes, and resuspend in 200-300ul buffer (PAB or PBS).


Not all antibodies work well with these beads, so check your specific antibodies before using these beads with an experiment.

Results Summary

Some antibodies don't give a positive population with these beads. It doesn't appear to be associated with supplier, or fluorochrome type. The products says anti-rat and anti-hamster, so all of our antibodies should work, but don't. Most work great, though with a clean positive fraction.

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The Good

Gives clean positive population

The Bad

Doesn't work with some antibodies

The Bottom Line

We use this product often, and for the most part it gives great compensation results. I now bring an extra antibody that is the same fluorochrome in case I don't get a positive population with the first antibody.

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