Easy to Use Cell Counter




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Georgetown University
Research Specialist


Logos Biosystems

Product Name:

Luna Automated Cell Counter

Catalog Number:


Culturing animal cells is a basic tool for many biomedical research fields. Cell counting, either by traditional hemocytometer or by automated cell couner, is the first step towards subsequently successful experiments. Many researchers, however, occasionally ignore the importance of cell couting to monitor the growth of cells, design and scale-up experiments. In addition, keeping the records of cell counting results is rarely performed.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Monitoring cultured cells

Starting Material

Human breast cancer cell MDA-MB-231

Protocol Overview

MDA-MB-231 cells were subcultured into 100-mm dish for routine maintenance. After detaching the cells by trypsin, the number of viable cells was determined by Luna Automated Cell Counter and the growth of cells was measured. The doubling time of cells is calculated by equation, (Doubling time) = 1/Log2(Nt2/Nt1)/(t2-t1) [here, Nt2 is the estimated number of cells at day n (t2); Nt1 is the estimated number of cells at day n-1 (t1)].


Keeping the records of cell numbers to monitor the condition of cells

Results Summary

Cell counting results can be plotted in a table. Column 1: days after thawing.Column 2: estimated number of cells. (the fold increase of the cell number at passage n)*(the estimated number of cells at passage n-1).Column 3: doubling time (days), (Doubling time) = 1/Log2(Nt2/Nt1)/(t2-t1) [here, Nt2 is the estimated number of cells at day n (t2); Nt1 is the estimated number of cells at day n-1 (t1)].Column 4: Date of cell counting.Column 5: Fold increase of cell number. (the fold increase of the cell number) = (the total number of cells at passage n)/[(the number of dishes trypsinized)*(the seeding density at passage n-1)].Column 6: Number of dishes trypsinized.Column 7: Volume of cell suspension (ml).Column 8: Conc. of cells (cells/ml) obtained by Luna Cell Counter.Column 9: Total number of cells.Column 10: Seeding density (cells/dish).Column 11: Number of dishes seeded.Column 12: Passage.

Features Summary

The estimated number of cells can be plotted as shown in the figure. These data are useful to monitor the condition of cultured cells. MDA-MB-231 cells exponentially grew to certain point of times. Sudden drop of this graph or appearance of plateau (no increase of estimated cells number) may imply that the cells are aged.

Additional Notes


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The Good

Simple to use. Fast and accurate.

The Bad

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The Bottom Line

Cell counting with affordable price makes things simple.

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