RNA RNA, or ribonucleic acid, is not only a predecessor of protein formation, but also a regulator of gene expression. Total RNA, mRNA, or small RNA is very difficult to isolate due to its instability and biologically low quantities. It can be challenging to accumulate an adequate amount of rare sample tissue or cells necessary to carry out a series of experiments. Purchasing purified RNA is simplified with the multitude of suppliers that offer several forms of RNA from multifarious organisms, tissues, and cells. RNA samples are prepared in reagents that are compatible with subsequent isolation protocols for library construction or assays such as quantitative real-time PCR. The analysis of gene expression suppression is feasible using miRNA (microRNA) from adult and fetal tissue sources, and from mouse brain. Obtaining yeast tRNA or feline total RNA from bone marrow in practicable concentrations suitable for diverse applications is quick and simple.