PCR continues to play an integral role in supporting both routine and novel approaches to studies from genomics to clinical applications. Even as new investigations become larger and more complex, PCR workflows can be adapted to suit most any process. Currently, technological progress is pushing PCR into the digital space. New instruments have faster ramp rates of 10°C per second and 2D-gradient features, which allow for unrivaled levels of PCR optimization particularly for difficult PCR reactions. Furthermore, increasing use of software is enabling researchers to do more with PCR, faster. However, new challenges arise with expanding utility. Improving a PCR workflow by connecting instruments within a network can significantly enhance experimental control and reproducibility, as well as help create consistently robust assays and results. The following are tips to improve overall efficiency and management of large PCR-based studies through networking.

Streamline your workflow

Conventional PCR set-ups typically handle PCR reactions individually, per thermal cycler. Applying conventional processes to high-throughput studies where multiple thermal cyclers are required for repetitive or difficult to amplify reactions can ultimately affect productivity and results. More complicated studies require more streamlined processes to increase efficiency and eliminate PCR bottlenecks, such as thermal cycler scheduling, coordination, and programming. Without proper organization and planning, PCR control issues can impact study duration and accurate data collection and analysis.


Creating a network that connects groups of thermal cyclers to one system can support complex or high-throughput studies by allowing users to control all cyclers needed for an experiment. This can help streamline workflows by managing multiple cyclers at once, duplicating PCR parameters to a subset or all machines, and ensuring reproducibility across cyclers. Depending on the software, runs can also be scheduled and programmed for automatic starts, which can be helpful when coordinating large groups of cyclers.

Networked thermal cyclers also permit greater scalability as the need for more machines arises. Using software that allows for control of up to 50 cyclers can easily support quick transitions to growing labs. This flexibility in managing various projects allows smaller experiments when needed alongside larger studies for better experimental control and lab management. Instrument choice can support networking flexibility by offering plate variants, including 96-well silver, 96-well aluminum, and 384-well models, depending on the type of experiment.

Improve accessibility

Once an experiment is running, the ability to monitor and access thermal cyclers for the duration of runs can ensure run consistency and support troubleshooting. Networking software monitors cycler progress across different locations, even remotely if needed, to ensure all cyclers are performing as expected. In studies carrying out overnight runs, where cycler monitoring is traditionally not possible, status screens provide detailed information on run timing and offer remote accessibility if changes or adjustments must be made.








When troubleshooting an assay in the case of aberrant results, typical trial and error testing to optimize reactions may not account for unknown cycler interferences. Issues with accidental lid opening or unanticipated temperature fluctuations can impact PCR results. With cyclers connected to a network, software monitors and provides information on each run that can be used to pinpoint potential issues in a program for quick and easy resolution.

Be accountable

In order to ensure experimental accuracy and minimize user error, accountability for every process is an important consideration. Without any way to identify who has done what, tracking progress and identifying issues can be difficult. What’s more, issue resolution becomes unclear and time-consuming. Networks hold each user accountable for every action by implementing individual logins, ensuring defined and traceable processes for all actions.

When working with multiple machines, a variety of projects, or several users, issues can also arise with conflicting schedules or confirming ownership of every reaction. Cycler networking improves user management by increasing the control each user has over the cyclers they need. Whether working with an individual cycler, simultaneous cyclers, or an entire network, all users can view schedules, providing increased visibility to operations as a whole. Not only does this help with individual and team planning, but it also generates a big picture for enhanced study management.

Large, complex studies require a greater organization and planning effort than individual-contributor experiments. And they are becoming more standard as new technologies make previously unattainable and arduous tasks possible. A reliance on PCR in these larger studies can create bottlenecks if not run properly with the use of multiple instruments and the tools to coordinate runs. Networking thermal cyclers can solve bottlenecks associated with thermal cycler management, providing a solid foundation for efficient and reproducible experiments.

About the Author

Jennifer Ellis has an M.S. in Genetics. She combines over 10 years of science writing experience with a passion for science, in all its many disciplines, to share the latest trends and findings with audiences around the world.