Stem Cell Culture Media

Stem Cell Culture Media
Stem cells were first cultured in vitro from mice in 1981 (Evans & Kaufman) and finally from humans in 1998 (Thompson et al.). For their self-renewing and differentiation properties, they have since become highly valuable tools in many areas of research and therapeutics. These include cancer research, drug testing and development, and regenerative and cell-based therapies. As specialized as the roles of their lineages, in vitro culturing of stem cells involves some complexity. Different types of stem cells, such as mesenchymal (MSCs), hematopoietic (HSCs), embryonic, and neural (NSCs) each require unique culture environments, such as supplementation, specific cytokines and growth factors, and other compounds. Different types of media for purposes of either differentiating or expanding (and maintaining pluripotency) must also be considered. Fortunately, a variety of commercial stem cell culture media formulations are available, ready-to-use for convenience and reproducibility. To aid in your search, we have organized these in our Cell Culture Media Search Tool- simply check the desired filters or enter in the search box.