Great Assay Kit From Agilent Technologies for Sequencing Library QC

University of California San Francisco
Biomedical Sciences
Graduate Student


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Agilent Technologies

Product Name:

High Sensitivity DNA Chips

Catalog Number:


Our lab is interested in using cutting-edge technologies to better understand the mechanisms responsible for immune self-tolerance and self-antigen production/presentation during both central and peripheral tolerance.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


ATAC sequencing library Quantification/QC

Starting Material

Mouse epithelial cells from the thymus


Make sure the DNA concentration is low enough for accurate measurements.

Results Summary

When libraries are properly diluted use of this reagent kit on a Bioanalyzer instrument allows for extremely sensitive quantification of sequencing libraries' DNA content prior to submission for sequencing. This allows for libraries to be precisely diluted further so that they do not under or over cluster on the sequencing flow cell. In our experience library quantification on the Bioanalyzer with this kit is sufficient for this purpose, without requiring further quantification by qPCR.



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The Good

Extremely accurate and easy to use.

The Bad

Expensive, cannot buy the chips separately from the reagents.

The Bottom Line

This kit provides quick and accurate results for sequencing library QC, but is only sold as a bundle of chips and reagents, or reagents alone. Since the limiting factor is usually the chips and not the reagents this makes it fairly expensive and cost inefficient.

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