GMP Quality Electroporator

University of Cote d'Azur (UCA)
Research Scientist


Quality of Results


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Product Name:

4D-Nucleofector X unit

Catalog Number:


Our work is focused on the manipulation, by the technic of CRISPR/Cas9, of primary cell lines from the immunity system. We struggled for a long time to find the proper parameters on cheaper instruments. Then we tested the 4D Nucleofector with the X unit. Experiments started to flow very fast and the results followed as well. The (costly) dedicated kit provided excellent results in both quality of electroporation and the viability of the cells. On top of that, the machine is compatible with GMP manipulation.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Cell Electroporation

Starting Material

Primary cells/immortalised cell lines


Follow the protocol, it also works for protein/RNA complexes.

Results Summary

Excellent electroporation quality. We achieved unexpected results in terms of efficiency and a-viability of either primary lymphocytes ( both T and B) or immortalised cells (B cells derived or HEK). We tested 8 wells barrettes (20ul) and 100ul cuvettes format, allowing us to process in one step 1M and 5-10M of cells respectively. Enough to perform experiments without the activation/expansion step.



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The Good

Large amount of cells processed at once, preset programs and dedicated kits for different cell type.

The Bad

Consumables are costly and no reduction at all for machine acquisition.

The Bottom Line

Very expensive machine with dedicated kits and unmodifiable programs. But it works very fine as the cost of the consumables is largely compensated by the quantity of cells that can be processed at once and the efficiency of the electroporation. Using the 8 wells format, we estimated the cost of each electroporation to be around 12-15 euros according to the reduction you can grip from their commercial representatives. In the end, it is not too expensive compared to other suppliers.

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