Streptavidin APC for Flow Cytometry Works with Some Unspecific Staining

B cell memory
Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum, a Leibniz Institute
Postdoctoral Researcher


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Product Name:

Streptavidin APC Conjugate

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Info: Supplier Page

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Antibodies are produced by plasma cells (PC) that are terminally differentiated B cells and play crucial roles in host protection against infections but are considered to mediate autoimmunity in patients with rheumatic diseases, such as systemic lupus (SLE) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Our research aims at understanding the biology of antibody-secreting cells (ASC) and B cells in health and disease. Here, we aimed at staining CXCR3+ plasma cells using anti-CXCR3 biotin.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Flow Cytometry


C57BL/6 spleen

Primary Incubation

anti-CXCR3 biotin (1/400), anti CD138 BV421 (1/800) 15', 4°

Blocking Agent

Fc block (2.4G2 clone)

Secondary Incubation

Streptavidin APC (1/400)

Tertiary Incubation



Flow cytometer

Results Summary

We could reveal the CXCR3 biot using this SA-APC, but there is some unspecific staining. This can be observed in the control that does not have primary antibody.

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The Good

It works

The Bad

There is unspecific staining

The Bottom Line

There are better streptavidin-APCs on the market.

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