Performance Review of 2X Taq PCR Mix

University of East London
School of Health, Sports and Bioscience
Senior Scientific Officer


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Appleton Woods

Product Name:

appTAQ RedMix (2X)

Catalog Number:


We set out to compare the efficiency of the appTAQ RedMix (2X) PCR master mix with a competitor kit, currently in use by our team. We amplified a 424bp fragment of the beta- lactamase gene using non- linearized pJM101 plasmid DNA as a template. The goal of the experiment was to determine if the cheaper appTAQ RedMix (2X) product from Appleton Woods, is a more cost- effective replacement for the PCR kits currently in use by our team.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Polymerase Chain Reaction

Starting Material

Plasmid DNA

Protocol Overview

The kit was used according to the manufacturer's recommendations in a 50 µL reaction volume. Template DNA was non- linearized pJM101 plasmid DNA (0, 0.002, 0.02, 0.2 and 2.0 ng) with primers directed towards a 424bp region of the beta-lactamase gene. The annealing temperature was 55° C with 35 reaction cycles.


appTAQ RedMix (2X) PCR products can be loaded directly unto agarose gels. Gel running times can be reduced by using sodium borate rather than TAE running buffer.

Results Summary

The appTAQ RedMix (2X) PCR mix produced robust PCR products at all plasmid DNA template concentrations. Furthermore, the appTAQ RedMix (2X) PCR mix was superior to the competitor master mix currently in use by our team.



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The Good

This product is highly robust and cost effective.

The Bad


The Bottom Line

I would strongly recommend the appTAQ RedMix (2X) PCR mix for routine PCR reactions. The product is particularly cost- effective and well suited for teaching laboratory practical classes.

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