Low Mol. Wt. TRITC-Conjugated Dextran

The Scripps Research Institute
The Cell and Molecular Biology
Assistant Professor


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Sigma Aldrich

Product Name:

Tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate-Dextran

Catalog Number:


Low mol. wt. TRITC-conjugated Dextran T1287 (mol. 155 kDa) is used for labeling of the vasculature (short-term staining) and also for measuring vessel permeability of intratumoral or damaged blood vessels (long-term incubation).

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Measurement of the permeability of intratumoral vasculature

Starting Material

Chick embryos bearing human microtumors

Protocol Overview

Low mol. wt. permeable TRITC-Dextran (mol. wt. 155 kDa) is inoculated into chick embryos bearing human tumors (0.1 ml of 1-2 mg/ml). TRITC-Dextran is allowed to excudate from the tumor vessels for 45-60 min and then it is replaced by high mol. wt. FITC-Dextran (mol. wt. 2,000 kDa), which allows to measure the volume of perfusable vasculature.


The time and concentration of destrans should be adjusted for each particular experimental condition.

Results Summary

The red fluorescent low mol wt. TRITC-Dextran "leaks" from the intratumoral vasculature and is vizualized as a halo around a microtumor tumor, whereas high mol.wt. FITC-Dextran stays in the vasculature and serves as a measure of total volume of perfusable vasculature.



Additional Notes

The combination of low and high mol. wt. dextrans could successfully be used for staining of normal chick embryo vasculature as well as in mouse models.

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The Good

This low mol wt. dextran nicely stain and leaks from tumor-associated vasculature.

The Bad

None detected

The Bottom Line

This low. mol. wt. TRITC-dextran is an excellent tool for staining of normal vasculature (short-term incubation) and for analysis of tumor vessel permeability (long-term incubation).

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