Rabbit Antibody Against MMP-14 TA312180

The Cell and Molecular Biology
The Scripps Research Institute
Assistant Professor


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Product Name:

Rabbit antibody against MMP-14

Catalog Number:


Rabbit antibody against MMP-14 TA312180 from Origene does not detect the protein band of expected for MMP-14 mol. wt.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Western Blot


Tumor cell lysate

Primary Incubation

Overnight at 8-10 degrees Celsius, with rocking, 1.25 ug/ml in 5% milk/PBS/0.05%Tween

Blocking Agent

5% milk in PBS/0.05% Tween-20 (5% milk/PBS/Tw)

Secondary Incubation

Goat anti-Rabbit antibody conjugated with HRP at 1:5,000 in 5% milk/PBS/Tween

Tertiary Incubation



Chemiluminescence: West Pico from Thermo Scientific

Results Summary

The antibody TA312180 from Origene against MMP-14 did not recognize the protein band of expected for full length MMP-14 mol. wt. under reducing conditions, namely around 60 kDa. Instead, this andibody identified the band between 150 and 250 kDa.

Additional Notes

This antibody appear to be the same antibody as sold by Assay Biotech (#C0266)

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The Good

None detected

The Bad

The antibody detected a protein band with apparent mol. wt. that does not correspond to the MMP-14 protein under reducing conditions.

The Bottom Line

I would not recommend this antibody for western blot detection of MMP-14 in tumor cell lysates.

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