RNeasy Plus Mini Kit (250)

University of Montana
Graduate Student


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Product Name:

RNeasy Plus Mini Kit (250)

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For these experiments we were assessing Aryl hydrocarbon receptor activation in bone marrow derived dendritic cells. Precursor cells were isolated with Lympholyte M from whole bone marrow suspensions and grown in the presence of GM-CSF for 5-7 days. We then used flow cytometry and RT-PCR to assess changes in dendritic cells.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


RNA isolation

Starting Material

Murine cells (pelleted), but can be used for whole tissue as well.

Protocol Overview

The protocol given with the kit is very clearly written. Pelleted cells are first lysed with the kit's lysing buffer, DNA is removed through a DNA spin column, and RNA is isolated and purified with an an RNA spin column. Cells are then released from the membrane of the column with water. Everything you need is included in the kit, except 70% ETOH.


Perform optional steps (extra dry spins, etc) for cleaner isolation.

Results Summary

This product gives really clean RNA as assessed with Nano drop. The kit stores well at room temperature with nothing requiring special conditions.

Additional Notes


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The Good

Easy, Fast, and Consistent

The Bad


The Bottom Line

This is a great kit for RNA extraction.

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