Serological-based Test for Diagnosis of Salmonella Strains

University of Birmingham
School of Biosciences
Postdoctoral Research Fellow


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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Product Name:

Remel™ Agglutinating Sera, Salmonella O

Catalog Number:


Diagnosis of epidemiologically important Salmonella strains by simple rapid serological tests are highly desirable. I used Remel Agglutinating sera which contains antibodies for detection of Salmonella somatic or O antigen. Test was performed from blood and food matrices on a glass slide and visible agglutination reactions were visible within a minute.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Diagnosis of Salmonella strains based on serological methods/tests

Starting Material

Few drops of blood or saline containing suspected food matrices contaminated with Salmonella


Make sure that negative control reaction with saline should not agglutinate. If agglutination is seen in negative control, then the sera is not suitable for testing.

Results Summary

Several Salmonella strains were diagnosed based on somatic antigen detection by slide agglutination test. The test is very simple and follow the step-by-step instructions on performing the test. Read the results (agglutination) within a minute after applying sera.

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The Good

Rapid and simple test

The Bad

Test sometimes be misleading if the samples i.e. salmonella has Vi antigen. Then heat or boil the samples at 100 degree C.

The Bottom Line

Recommended test kit for epidemiological laboratories for diagnosis and tracking of Salmonella infections.

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