Excellent Master Mix for Quantitative RT-PCR

University of Illinois, Chicago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
PostDoctoral Research Fellow


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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Product Name:

Fast SYBR® Green Master Mix

Catalog Number:


I transfected 293T cells to knock down AKT by transient transfection. After 72 hours, I checked the knock down by quantifying the mRNA using SYBR green master mix.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Real time quantitative PCR

Starting Material

239T cells

Protocol Overview

I prepared the total RNA from all samples, then cDNA was synthesized and qPCR reaction was set up using sybr green master mix. GAPDH was used as an internal loading control.


Minimize pipetting errors by using different tips for each pipetting.

Results Summary

I got the specific amplification of the target gene and it worked absolutely fine.

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The Good

Quick and reliable quantification

The Bad


The Bottom Line

It is a good kit for qPCR. I would recommend using this for routine qPCR experiments.

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