Separation of Epidermis from Dermis Using Dispase Solution (Matrix Metalloprotease)

George Washington University, Washington DC
Post-doctoral Fellow


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Corning Life sciences

Product Name:

Dispase solution

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Isolation and culture of keratinocytes from human epidermis is possible starting from a section of tissue, punch biopsies or foreskin samples. The initial challenge is to isolate epidermis from the dermal layer after which keratinocytes can be easily isolated by trypsinization of epidermis (either by trypsin-EDTA or TrypLE select). Separation of epidermis from dermis is achieved by an enzymatic digestion of the matrix causing detachment of the epidermis from dermis. Dispase is one such matrix metalloprotease which is utilized for this purpose.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Cell culture/ Keratinocyte culture

Starting Material

Skin tissue; punch biopsies; foreskin samples

Protocol Overview

• Skin samples are cut into small section (3-4cm) in form of long strips. The sections are immediately placed into either Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) or appropriate media (Epilife media/ KGM media) with antibiotics/antifungal (pen-strep + amphotericin B) in standard concentration. All work starting from first step till the end should be done in sterile conditions (biosafety cabinet). • Tissue sections are placed in a 60mm petri plate containing 1ml of dispase solution (5000 caseinolytic unit) to 9 ml of appropriate media with antibiotics (already mentioned). The section should be placed such that the epidermis layer (darker side) is at the bottom and well covered with fluid. (Add more dispase solution if needed). The petri dish is placed overnight (about 14-16 hrs.) in 4 degree C. • Next day, place the petri plate in a 37 degree incubator (sterile) for 1-2 hrs. Take out the plate and inside a sterile hood, peel off the epidermis from dermis using a pair of fine forceps. Immediately place the peeled epidermis (extremely thin) layer in fresh media in a separate petri plate. Discard the dermis (white gooey part) or it can be utilized for fibroblast isolation. • The thin epidermis is then cut into very small pieces (1mm) and trypsinized to obtain keratinocytes.


If during separation, the epidermis doesn't smoothly separate from the dermis, give additional 2 hours at 37 degree C for complete digestion.

Results Summary

Primary keratinocyte is easily achievable utilizing this technique, ranging from a large section of tissue to a small punch biopsy as a starting material. The keratinocytes isolated can be culture and utilized for a variety of experiments including: proliferation assays, analysis of expression of proteins and surface receptors, release of immune modulators upon stimulation, general morphology and physiology of the cells.

Additional Notes

Be careful to maintain sterility of the procedure as primary cells can be easily contaminated.

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The Good

Easy and cost effective method of isolation of a pure keratinocyte population

The Bad

Nothing except that it is time consuming

The Bottom Line

Well accepted, go-to method for isolation of pure primary keratinocyte population without any fibroblast.

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