While diet is thought to play a role in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), it can be difficult to determine which claims have scientific backing. In a review published today in Frontiers in Nutrition, a group of scientists has put together a list of food items with beneficial effects on RA progression. Published clinical trial data was compiled to provide the dietary recommendations.

RA reducing foods

Based on the data, the authors recommend consuming foods with specific dietary fibers, vegetables, fruits and spices. They also found evidence for the effectiveness of consuming probiotics and synbiotics (foods composed of probiotics and prebiotics).

Among the foods to avoid were those known to induce inflammation, such as alcohol.

The team also analyzed research into claims that certain diets, such as a vegan diet or 7-10 days fasting, could help with rheumatoid arthritis. The review details what evidence studies have given for the diets’ effectiveness and the mechanisms behind them. Vegan, Mediterranean, elemental or elimination diets, as advised by a doctor or dietician were found to have beneficial effects.

Specific foods discussed in the study that appear to slow RA progression include dried plums, blueberries, pomegranates, ginger, turmeric, specific oils and teas.

The authors believe these recommendations provide a safe route for patients to address the symptoms of RA, but caution that patients should also keep their nutritional requirements and allergies in mind and consult a doctor before following a novel diet program.

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Image: A list of foods and their possible effects on rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and progression Khanna, S., Jaiswal, K.S., and Gupta, B. Front. Nutr. | doi: 10.3389/fnut.2017.00052