Library Preparation Kit for small RNA and Full Transcriptome Analysis

Osmania University
Department of Biochemistry
Research Fellow


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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Product Name:

Ion Total RNA sev2q kit

Catalog Number:


NGS is an advanced tool which is used in the discovery of new genes and quantitative analysis of the different genes and gene variants. Ion Total RNA seqv2 is used to prepare the library which can be used for sequencing by ion torrent /ion proton sequencers. This kit is used for the preparation of high-quality RNA libraries. 

Experimental Design and Results Summary


RNA sequencing

Starting Material

Total RNA /mRNA enriched RNA /small RNA

Protocol Overview

Total RNA /enriched mRNA/small RNA is used as the starting material. The mRNA is treated with RNase for mRNA fragmentation. The fragmented mRNA is purified using the magnetic module. The fragmented mRNA is ligated with the v2adaptors followed by reverse transcription using superscript III enzymes. The cDNA is now amplified using platinum super mix using appropriate 3' universal primer and separate bar code primer for each individual RNA sample. The amplified PCR product is now again purified using the magnetic clean up module. The final libraries are used for the sequencing.


Good quality RNA is highly recommended for the RNA library preparation/ prolong the ligation step for small RNA

Results Summary

A good quality of the final libraries were obtained which are of 200bps average length



Additional Notes


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The Good

Ease of using the kit

The Bad

Lengthy procedure

The Bottom Line

If you are using ion torrent or ion proton system, the RNA seq kit will be a good choice.

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