Excellent Quality Anti-CD31 Antibody For Immunostaining Of CD31 In Rat Tissue

Department of Zoology
Ranchi University, Ranchi
Research Scholar


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Product Name:

Anti-CD31 antibody [HEC7]

Catalog Number:


In the present study, CD31 proteins were detected in rat retina to visualize angiogenic blood vasculature. For this, rats were sacrificed, eyes were enucleated, retinas were fixed in methanol, non-specific sites were masked with blocking reagents and probed for CD31. After primary antibody incubation retinas were washed, treated with secondary antibody conjugated with Alexa flour 488, flat mounts were prepared and mounted in a slide. Slides were examined in a fluorescent microscope with 400 x optical magnification. Selection of antibody was based on previous experience.

Experimental Design and Results Summary




Rat whole retina

Primary Incubation

Overnight at 4 0C (3% BSA in PBS; dilution 1:100)

Blocking Agent

3 % BSA in PBS containing 0.5% normal goat serum (for 1 hr at RT)

Secondary Incubation

1 hr at RT (3% BSA; dilution 1:500)

Tertiary Incubation



Alexa fluor 488 conjugated secondary antibody

Results Summary

CD31 antibody from abcam has given very high specific immunostaining of CD31 proteins in rat retinal whole mount. No non specific binding of antibody were observed in rat samples

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The Good

Antibody is highly specific to CD31 in rat proteins

The Bad


The Bottom Line

Overall highly specific of Abcam to detect CD31 in rat samples.

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