Permanent Mounting Medium Suitable For Animal And Plant Tissues

National Dairy Research Institute
Animal Biochemistry


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Vector Laboratories

Product Name:

Vecta Mount, permanent mounting medium

Catalog Number:


The thin liver tissue section was covered with mounting medium and then covered with coverslip which can further be observed in microscope and stored. The mounting medium after drying becomes clear and gives good clarity to the images

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Mounting of animal and plant specimens and presevation

Starting Material

Rat liver kidney tissue, microtome, slide, Vecta Mount and cover slip

Protocol Overview

Liver tissue was first fixed with picric acid, sectioned into thin slices by using microtome and the thin section spreaded over the glass slide. The section was dehydrated and stained with hematoxylene and eosin. Then a drop of Vecta Mount, permanent mounting medium was added over the section. Over the mounting medium, place the coverslip and avoid entering of bubbles. The prepared slide was observed under the microscope and was stored permanently



Results Summary

No artifacts were visible in slides and specimens can be preserved permanently.

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The Good

Microscopic visibility is good and non-hazardous

The Bad


The Bottom Line

Good mounting medium for routine use.

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