Myosin Light Chain 2 Antibody from Cell Signaling Technology Gives Good Results

University of Tennessee HSC
Postdoctoral Researcher


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Cell Signaling Technology

Product Name:

Myosin Light Chain 2 Antibody

Catalog Number:


The present experiment was designed to test the time course effect of growth factor on MLC2 expression in a mammalian cell line. For this, growth factor treated cells were lysed in RIPA buffer. Equal amount of proteins were resolved in SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted with Myosin Light Chain 2. MLC2 antibody from Cell Signaling Technology was selected because it detects endogenous level of protein.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Western Blot


Total cell lysate from mammalian cell

Primary Incubation

1:1000 (5%BSA in TBST), Overnight incubation at 4 degrees Celsius

Blocking Agent

5% Skimmed milk in TBST, 2h incubation at RT

Secondary Incubation

1:4000 (5%skimmed milk in TBST), 2h incubation at RT

Tertiary Incubation




Results Summary

Cell signaling antibody has given clear doublet band of MLC2. No effect of growth factor on MLC2 expression has been observed.

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The Good

Got very good bands with no background

The Bad

Got two bands with similar intensity at almost the same molecular weight

The Bottom Line

Detection of two similar bands at a similar molecular weight created confusion. It was difficult to say which was the correct band. Overall however, MLC2 Antibody from Cell Signaling Technology showed good results.

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