Human Embryonic Stem Cell Media

Human Embryonic Stem Cell Media

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Recent Product Review

  • Great Resolution Even on Tumor Samples

    This antibody is easy to use and optimize, and a taking a spleen can serve as the perfect control to ensure that this antibody is working. It does have to be used a little more concentrated than our previous CD44 in a different color which makes it a little less cost-effective, but this is a great antibody if you have the FITC channel free in your panel.
  • Stains Well, but Any Changes Are Subtle

    This antibody was used at 1:50 on cells that were exposed to hypoxic conditions, and the expression of CD39 as quantified by flow only increased by a minuscule amount. We have yet to find a better antibody with better resolution, however, so this one is fairly cost-effective and generates results that can be better visualized through histograms and when normalized to the expression of vehicle treated cells rather than looking at the flow dot plots.