Protein Biochemistry

Protein Biochemistry The study of proteins through protein biochemistry and enzymology encompasses many fields of biology, including molecular biology, cell biology, pharmaceutical research and development, food science, plant biology, and more. Applications include protein purification for research, manufacturing for pharmaceutical development, molecular cloning, agriculture, and X-ray crystallography, among others. Tools and supplies for protein biochemistry include instruments like mass spectrometers, and chromatography systems, kits for cloning, purification and enrichment, Western blotting systems, and consumables. The tools needed for many protein biochemistry applications can be made “from scratch” or kits and other convenience products can be used. Economics and available time are important considerations for choosing the right type of products. Proteins also vary greatly in size and abundance. Tools used to handle a large, highly abundant protein will be different from those needed for very small, rare proteins.

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