PCR Thermocyclers

PCR Thermocyclers Thermocyclers, also known as thermal cyclers and PCR machines, are laboratory instruments that utilize the polymerase chain reaction method to amplify DNA and RNA. The thermocycler raises and lowers the temperature of the samples secured inside a holding block in discrete, pre-programmed steps, enabling double-strand denaturation, annealing, and polymerization. Amplified genetic material can be used in many downstream applications such as cloning, sequencing, expression analysis, and genotyping. Biological researchers can now enjoy many choices of different thermocycler varieties, with many models offering unique benefits. The Biocompare catalog lists a wide selection of PCR machines from different manufacturers and some common categories are highlighted below.

Common types of PCR thermocyclers:

  • Standard PCR Machines - most thermocyclers that perform standard PCR programs can be broadly categorized with this term. Many instruments will come with useful features, such as interchangeable blocks to accommodate different tube formats, customizable programming options, and other user-friendly design improvements.
  • Real-Time Thermocyclers - also known as qPCR machines, these instruments carry out temperature cycling processes like a thermocycler in addition to measuring fluorescent light. Real-time thermocyclers are used to quantify the number of copies of a specific sequence using signals generated by fluorescent probes.
  • Digital PCR Systems - dPCR instruments separate the DNA sample into tens of thousands of partitions as microscopic droplets to be measured digitally. dPCR produces measurements that are highly precise and reliable, particularly when dealing with low copy number sequences.
  • Portable Thermocyclers - when PCR needs to be done on-site or at point-of-care, these portable instruments offer a mobile PCR solution. Portable PCR machines are compact and often come with useful features such as battery power and wireless connectivity.
  • Multi-Block PCR Machines - these thermocyclers are built with independent sample heating blocks, allowing users to run individual PCR reactions in parallel. They are ideal for busy labs that actively engage in different PCR experiments.

Thermocycler buying tips:

When choosing a thermocycler, consider the types of applications needed, the sample number and volume, and options such as interchangeable blocks. Gradient options allow a range of temperatures across the block, useful for optimizing PCR conditions such as primer annealing temperatures. Multiple, smaller blocks at different temperatures also allow more flexibility. Also consider the capability to upgrade a standard machine to a real-time thermocycler, as well as space-saving footprints and touch-screen operation.