A Kit For Quickly Genotyping Mice

Univesity of Texas Health Science Center
Translational & Vascular Biology
Assistant Professor


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Product Name:

Extract-N-Amp Tissue PCR Kit

Catalog Number:


Standard genotyping protocols are laborious and time consuming. It involves digestion of minced tail overnight followed by DNA precipitation using isopropanol or phenol-chloroform. If you want an easy and quick method, Sigma's Extract-N-Amp TIssue PCR kit can become your choice if you are ready to spend a few trial for optimization. Then genotyping is a few hours work on the side.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Mouse tail DNA extraction and genotyping

Starting Material

Mouse tail biopsy, Extract-N-Amp Tissue PCR Kit and primers

Protocol Overview

Collect 4-5 mm tail biopsy following all IACUC guidelines, cut into small pieces using scalpel and forceps, digest it in 100 uL extraction solution and 25 uL preparation solution and incubate at 55C for 20-30 min in a shaking block. Heat inactivate digestion mix at 95C for 3 min. Use 5-10 uL inactivated digest for PCR. Optimize for digestion time and temperature before taking up large batch.


Tail tips from young mice are easy to digest and fresh tissue digests faster than frozen specimens.

Results Summary

We never had failure with samples. PCR resulted in sufficient amplification in 30 cycles. All steps could be completed in 3 hours.



Additional Notes


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The Good

Easy and quick.

The Bad

Initial optimization necessary for digestion. Some times PCR trouble shooting was needed.

The Bottom Line

Saves time if you are ready to spend some for optimization.

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