Best Quality Nitrocellulose Membrane Kit For Routine Western Transfer Of Proteins

National Dairy Research Institute
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Sigma Aldrich, USA

Product Name:

PKH67 Green Fluorescent Cell Linker Mini Kit for General Cell Membrane Labeling

Catalog Number:


Aim of the present study was to fluorescent labeling of pancreatic beta cells plasma membrane of cells treated with or without glucose in presence or absence of insulin

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Membrane labeling of rat pancereatic beta cells in vitro

Starting Material

Rat pancreatic beta cell culture, Trypsin EDTA, Trypsin neutralizer, DMEM with serum, DMEM without serum, PKH67 Green Fluorescent Cell Linker Mini Kit, DPBS or HBSS, cell culture incubator, centrifuge, etc.

Protocol Overview

Rat pancreatic beta cell suspension culture maintained at suitable environment was set to a cell concentration of 107/ ml. Cells were washed two times with serum free medium and supernatant were discarded remaining cell suspension volume up to 25 micL. Cells were then re-suspended up to 1 ml in diluents C (supplied with kit) to make 2x cell suspension. Further, above cell suspension was slowly added to 1 ml of 2x dye solution (4 micro molar) which make 2 micro molar PKH67 green fluorescent cell linker suspension. Cells were incubated for 3 minutes with periodic mixing and linking reaction was stopped by adding equal volume of serum containing medium. At end cell suspension was centrifuged at 400 xg for 5 min and seeded into suitable culture dishes.



Results Summary

There were labeling of plasma membrane of pancreatic beta cells as detected under fluorescent microscope. Labeling steps were so easy and labeling persists up to 24 hrs.



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The Good

Easy method of plasma membrane labeling

The Bad

Kit is costly

The Bottom Line

Good kit for plasma membrane labeling

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