Lipofectamin 3000 - Reagent with Enhanced Transfecting Capability

Osmania University
Department of Biochemistry
Research Fellow


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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Product Name:

Lipofectamine 3000

Catalog Number:


Normal lipofectamin reagents are toxic to the cell which leads to the poor viability of the cell after the transfection procedure. Lipofactamin 3000 can be used to enhance transfecting capability with a very less toxicity, which can improve the viability of the cells to a higher extent when compared to the conventional transfecting agents.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Eukaryotic gene expression

Starting Material


Protocol Overview

The kit can be used by following the manufacturer's protocol. Briefly, the DNA is diluted in Opti MEM and P3000 reagent is added to the diluted at 1:2 ratio. Lipofectamin 3000 reagent is diluted in OptiMEM in a separate vial  Now the diluted DNA and lipofectamin 3000 are mixed and incubated 20 minutes for proper lipoplexes formation.


You can try different ratios of Lipofectamin 3000 concentrations for optimizing the transfection.

Results Summary

Successfully transfected cells are obtained with higher viability

Additional Notes


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The Good

Less toxic

The Bad

We cannot use complete media while transfecting.

The Bottom Line

I recommend this kit for people who desire higher viability after transfection.

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