Quantification of genomic DNA

University of Birmingham
Research Assistant


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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Product Name:

Qubit® dsDNA HS Assay Kit

Catalog Number:


I used Qubit dsDNA HS assay kit to quantify genomic DNA from bacterial and as well human cell lines. The kit was very specific to dsDNA and sensitivity was spot on which can detect even up 2 ng per microliter.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Quantification of genomic DNA for cloning and sequencing

Starting Material

Genomic DNA from human intestinal epithelial cells

Protocol Overview

Genomic DNA was used diluted into 1:5 ration and this diluted genomic DNA was used at 2 microliter with 198 microliter of Qubit dsDNA HS buffer prepared with qubit reagent (1:200). Then fluorescence was recorded in Qubit 2.0 Fluorimeter and quantification was extrapolated from standard curve analysis.


Dilute your genomic DNA if the concentration is very high

Results Summary

Got good yield from my extraction procedure and quantities were 50 to 80 ng/ microliter

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The Good

Very easy to perform and takes less time to complete the protocol.

The Bad


The Bottom Line

We prefer this kit as we do lot of sequencing projects.

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