Removal of DNA Contamination During RNA Purification

National Dairy Research Institute
Animal Biochemistry


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Qiagen, Gmbh, Germany

Product Name:

RNase-Free DNase set

Catalog Number:


RNA was isolated from rat blood samples. The isolated RNA was dissolved in nuclease free water. The isolated RNA was then purified by removing any contaminating DNA. The purified RNA can then be used for upstream applications such as Real-time PCR.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Purified RNA was used for cDNA synthesis and Real time PCR

Starting Material

RNA (isolated from rat blood samples)

Protocol Overview

During RNA isolation, any DNA contamination was removed by DNase-1 provided in the kit. Lyophilized DNase-1 (RNase-Free) was prepared by dissolving in RNase-Free water. RDD buffer was optimized for on column digestion of DNA. RNA purity and quality was checked by nanodrop.


Vial of DNase should not be opened but RNase-Free water should be injected in the vial using syringe and needle

Results Summary

The purified RNA was checked for its quality and purity by taking reading at 260/280 nm. The ratio at 260/280 nm was around 2. The quality and purity of RNA were very good. DNA contamination was removed and two bands were observed in agarose gel.

Additional Notes


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The Good

Purified RNA (free of DNA) of good quality was obtained with ease.

The Bad


The Bottom Line

Qiagen RNase-Free DNase set was used for purification of RNA samples by removing DNA contamination.

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