Excellent Pre-Optimized Protein Estimation Kit

University of Illinois, Chicago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
PostDoctoral Research Fellow


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Thermo Fisher Scientific Pierce

Product Name:

BCA Protein Assay Reagent Kit

Catalog Number:


Protein estimation is routine work that is generally performed prior to western blotting, SDS-PAGE etc. I use this kit for estimating the total proteins in whole cell lysates for further quantitative estimation of several proteins in different samples. This kit is better than standard nanodrop quantification because of high reproducibility, no errors and background color.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Protein estimation

Starting Material

Whole cell lysates and standards

Protocol Overview

Product A, B and C were mixed together in the ratio of 25:24:1 to make a working solution. 2 microlitres of standards were mixed with 300 microlitres of working solution. The samples were incubated at 60 degrees celcius put into a waterbath for 45 minutes, followed by reading absorbance at 592 nm.


Minimize pipetting errors by using different tips for each time pipetting.

Results Summary

All standards provided with this kit showed a linear graph against their absorbance. Hence, protein concentration is directly proportional to their absorbance. Using this graph, we can easily calculate the protein concentration of unknown samples.

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The Good

Quick and reliable quantification

The Bad

One needs to be really careful with pipetting in order to avoid errors.

The Bottom Line

Excellent kit for protein quantification

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