Detecting Mouse Serum IgG Antibody

Microbiology and Immunology
Loyola University Chicago
Research Associate


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Product Name:

HRP Goat anti-mouse IgG

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This product was used to test if our pseudovirus can induce anti-target protein L1 antibody response after vaccination. Mice were immunized with Pseudoviruses for 2 times at 2 week intervals. Two weeks after, serum was collected and analyzed for anti L1 antibody responses by ELISA. We found that the immunization can generate anti-L1 IgG response.

Experimental Design and Results Summary




Mouse serum

Primary Incubation

Diluted sera (1:200, 600, 1800, 5400) was incubated in an L1 coated plate for 1 hr at 37 degrees

Blocking Agent

5% nonfat milk in PBST

Secondary Incubation

HRP-anti mouse IgG antibody was used at 1:2000 dilution and incubated for 1 hr at 37 degrees

Tertiary Incubation



TMB was used to develop signal

Results Summary

We were able to detect anti L1 serum IgG antibody in sera from immunized mice but not in control mice. The nonspecific reaction is at low levels and the detecting antibody is sensitive enough to get results.

Additional Notes

Antibody concentration can be used up to recommended dilution limit

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The Good

The antibody is a good price and good quality

The Bad

The signal is decreased if using higher dilutions

The Bottom Line

We use this antibody in many experiments to detect mouse serum IgG and it seems to be good enough for our purpose. I also used it for WB and it worked very well.

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