Quick and pure miniprep kit for plasmid DNA

Boston University
Senior Post-doc


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Product Name:

PureYield Plasmid Miniprep System

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Preparation of miniprep plasmid DNA is very common in most Bio-related labs. The purified DNA is used for cloning, DNA sequencing, PCR, and other processes. The PureYield miniprep kit from Promega is different from Qiagen and other miniprep kits, which usually take around 30 minutes to complete the DNA purification. The promega kit only takes less than 10 minutes to complete the DNA purification.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Plasmid DNA purification (miniprep)

Starting Material

Bacterial culture (2 to 3 ml)

Protocol Overview

1. Harvest (600ul of bacterial culture. Use more for higher yield) 2. Lysis and neutralization. 3. Wash (Endotoxin Removal Wash and column wash) 4. Elute. Total process time is around 7 to 10 minutes.


Make sure the lysis is complete and the neutralization is good. For elution, let column sit for 30 seconds before spinning down the elution solution.

Results Summary

For a high copy number plasmid, if 600ul to 1ml of overnight bacterial culture is used, the yield usually falls between 4 to 7 ug, which is comparable to other commercial kits.

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The Good

High quality DNA and time-saving.

The Bad


The Bottom Line

Considering the time and money it saves, this promega kit is awesome.

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