The best anti-Lis1 antibody for Western Blot

Weill Cornell Medical College
assistant research professor


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Product Name:

Mouse anti-Lis1

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This antibody has been extensively used to detect endogenous and overexpressed Lis1 in wild type, Lis1 knock-out and TgLis1 mouse tissues to confirm identity of transgenic samples. It has also been used in protein-protein interaction studies to detect presence of Lis1 in protein complexes following immunoprecipitaion. While the antibody is very expensive, of all anti-Lis1 antibodies tested this one provides the cleanest signal, can be used at lowest concentration and detects lowest amount of Lis1 protein. So ultimately, it is in fact the cheapest on a per experiment basis.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Western Blot


Whole brain lysate, NIH/3T3 and HEK293 cell lysates. Total protein can be as low as 0.25 mg/ml.

Primary Incubation

Overnight at +4C

Blocking Agent

1% non-fat dry milk in 1x TBS + 0.05% Tween20

Secondary Incubation

One hour at room temperature

Tertiary Incubation



SuperSignal Pico (Pierce/Thermo) or secondary antibody conjugated to IRDye800

Results Summary

The antibody detects a single band of the expected size around 45 kDa

Additional Notes


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The Good

Specificity, high affinity

The Bad

Price, does not work in immunofluorescence

The Bottom Line

The best anti-Lis1 antibody for Western Blot

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