Good Antibody, Needs a lot to detect Western bands

University of Louisville
Senior Research Technician


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Cell Signaling

Product Name:

Rabbit anti Phospho Pin1 (ser16)

Catalog Number:


Browse Similar Products: Phospho Pin1 (ser16) Antibodies

This product is one of few phospho antibodies on the market for Pin1. It comes as 50ul but about a 1:100 to 1:500 dilution is necessary to detect phosphorylation reliably. The blot is often dirty, likely due to non specificity, but no bands other than Pin1 appear phosphorylated. Recognizes all listed host species as well as opossum Pin1.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Western blot


Stimulated Human Neutrophil Lysate

Primary Incubation

1:500 overnight at 4 degrees in Licor Blocking Buffer

Blocking Agent

5% Milk in TTBS

Secondary Incubation

Gt anti Rabbit IgG Alexa Fluor 700, 1:5000, 1.5 hours at room temperature

Tertiary Incubation

3 washes with TTBS 5' each


Fluorescent Western Imager (Li-Cor Oddysey)

Results Summary

The blot was blurry, but bands were easily detectable and densitometry was performed with ease. Obtaining publication quality images may be an issue.

Additional Notes


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The Good

It works and it's available.

The Bad

It is a weak signal that is often dirty.

The Bottom Line

With not many options available this product is necessary for measuring Pin1 Phosphorylation by Western blot.

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