Amersham ECL Gel Box from GE Healthcare Life Sciences


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University of Louisville
Sr. Research Associate


GE Healthcare Life Sciences

Product Name:

Amersham ECL Gel Box

Catalog Number:



  • Company: GE Healthcare Life Sciences
  • Product Name: Amersham ECL Gel Box
  • Catalog Number: 28-9906-08

This product from Amersham is for separation of proteins using horizontal mini-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). The system is simple requiring no assembly and uses just 200 mL of running buffer. It is easy to operate and clean.

Experimental Design and Results Summary


Separation of proteins by PAGE

Starting Material

Protein samples (rat primary hepatocyte lysates)

Protocol Overview

Add 90 mL of running buffer each to the anode and cathode chamber of the ECL gel box, remove the Amersham gel cassette(various % gels available) form the pouch and rinse with distilled water, remove the tapes form the two legs of the cassette. Place the cassette in the ECL gel box, with well-side in the cathode side. Cover the assembly with the safety lid and pre-run at 160 volts for 12 minutes. Remove the safety lid, wiggle out the spacer carefully, add 6 mL running buffer into the wells and load the samples into the wells. Cover the assembly with the safety lid and runt at 160 volts. It should take ~1 hr for the tracking dye to reach the anode side.



Results Summary

The resolution obtained with this horizontal PAGE system is comparable with that of the regular vertical mini-PAGE systems. It is easy to use the system, and the gel box does not require any assembly. The ECL box system uses only 200 mL of the running buffer, compared to ~1 liter with other gel systems. Cleaning is also very easy.

Additional Notes


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The Good

No assembly required; good price.

The Bad

Can run only one gel at a time, and cannot make in-house gel assembly. If Western transfer is required, you will need a separate system.

The Bottom Line

Good low priced product for routine protein SDS-PAGE analysis.

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