Write a review

    Write a review of the kits and reagents you in your research and help the scientific community make informed purchasing decisions. You will be rewarded a monthly raffle entry for each accepted review.

    Please only submit reviews for products that other scientists would find helpful to their research or work. Some examples of assay kits/reagents we will accept reviews for include: primary cells and cell lines, ELISA kits, cell mounting reagents, and cloning kits. Some examples of assay kits/reagents we do not accept reviews for include: standard cell culture media, antibiotics, chemicals, and consumables.

    Be sure to read Product Review Best Practices which describes ten helpful tips for review writing!

  • -Ease of Optimization – Rate the effort required to optimize results (1 = a lot of effort/5 = very little effort).
    -Quality of Results – Rate the quality of the results obtained (1 = low / 5 = high).
    -Overall Rating – How would your experience with this product (1 = low / 5 = high)?