Guava® easyCyte™ Flow Cytometers from Cytek Biosciences

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Guava® easyCyte™ Flow Cytometers

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You’ll quickly find that guava® easyCyte™ benchtop microcapillary flow cytometers are simpler and cheaper to operate and maintain than traditional sheath fluid-based instruments enabling on-demand use in any lab.

The newest, 3 laser easyCyte™ 12 includes blue, red, and violet (405 nm) excitation lasers providing up to 12 simultaneous detection parameters with 10 fluorescent colors plus forward and side scatter for assessing cell size and granularity. Still, this powerful multi-sample platform requires small samples, produces minimal waste, and guides analysis with intuitive software.

  • Automated and manual sampling options
  • Open platform for up to 12 detection parameters
  • Small samples and no sheath fluid; less waste
  • Versatile, user-friendly software for easy data acquisition
  • Absolute cell counts with no reference beads